Does Evan McMullin Reflect Utah Values?

The answer to the question all depends on what values you think Utah holds.

1. If you think Utah values are Hillary Clinton’s values of corrupt favoritism, Constitutional degradation, cronyism, partial birth abortion, “opposition” complicity, then you have your man. By his own admission, he’s ultimately in the race to ensure a Hillary Clinton win (update: see the prior post for clip and interview source):

2. If Utah values include having your top advisor use expletives, threats, and sexually degrading comments to women, you have your man:

If that is the case, then why are McMullin and Finn associating with Republican, establishment political strategist, Rick Wilson who has a history of demeaning others and going on obscene Twitter rants, the very thing that McMullin and his supporters profess to find so abhorrent in Trump?

The specific quotes Rick Wilson used are at the link. Most are censored (you can figure out the word used) but the sexually degrading comment is not something that can be censored and I’m not going to post it here. To read McMullin’s super Utah-values advisor quotes, click the link.

Anyone who’s been around politics, knows the type of tactics and language Wilson uses so I’m not going to accept this is some kind of shocking revelation to the McMullin-Finn campaign. Nor do I want to hear McMullin’s campaign chide Trump for his language etc. since they embrace it themselves. Of course, it’s all good since certainly these are conservative values totally in line with LDS/Mormon teachings…right?

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